Deliver - Products and Quality


What Technoble delivers to customers is more than just functional ingredients.
Cosmetics are shaped by a variety of elements, including concepts, appeal, patents, and pharmaceutical affairs, along with ingredients (raw materials).
Technoble also delivers comprehensive, high-quality services to sincerely respond to requests from customers concerning such elements associated with functional ingredients.

Unique production methods

Reliability, safety, stability, and high functionality—these four factors are achieved simultaneously in our uncompromising, unique production methods. No two products are made from the same production method. We deliver high-quality products that are reliable and can be trusted and used by customers who blend them into cosmetics, as well as the consumers beyond them.

Transparent sample bottles

We are also meticulous about the product samples submitted at the examination stage. Almost all product samples are supplied in transparent bottles. This allows customers who are considering blending them to properly check their contents before use. It also demonstrates our pride that our ingredients are so stable and of so high quality that it is no problem to deliver them even in transparent sample bottles.

Patent applications and pharmaceutical affairs

We acquire patents for most of the products we supply in order to ensure that customers can use our products with a stronger sense of reliability and meticulousness. Furthermore, Japan has a unique category based on a national approval system called quasi-drug products (especially quasi-drug cosmetics). One of our strengths is that we can provide a wide variety of functional ingredients that can be blended into such quasi-drug products.

Customization services

In addition to supplying functional ingredients, we also consider the concepts and how to present their appeals because they are also very important factors of cosmetics. Technoble has a portfolio of products with a wide range of functions. One of our strengths is that we can combine them to make unique proposals customized to the plans of customers.